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​Fantastic performance, sensitive, gripping and thought provoking! All the members of the cast were brilliant and I would certainly recommend to others. It opened my eyes to certain aspects of trafficking I had never thought of beyond the popularised narrative. Laura and Alice x


Just wonderful!


Very good play informative, and moving.


A very moving performance making it all too real.


Very good performance and well produced.


Very well delivered indeed.


A great big thank you for the tremendous work you do.


Extremely powerful and well acted portrayal of modern day trafficking. Thank you so much for bringing it to more people’s attention.


Very moving and upsetting. So well acted and a powerful play. It was interesting to hear how the director with a theatre company and the playwright came together. Maybe things all work out together for good sometimes! My husband and I have plenty to go home and think about.


A very well acted performance around a disturbing situation that is hidden in Scotland.

Mind blowingly good. I was riveted from the start to finish. Such an important piece of theatre and really taught me about a subject I had limited knowledge about.


Through the use of Physical theatre it allowed me to suspend my disbelief. It clearly portrayed a message that is very important and gave me further insight into the matter. Great differentiation between all the characters and amazing accents.


"I loved the play last night...very powerful and thought provoking. You and the actors did an absolutely amazing job; I am in awe."

“A brilliant production performed by a very talented ensemble! Well done. I enjoyed every minute.”

“Simply brilliant! Really clever and well done ☺ Thank you for opening my eyes xx”

"Interesting and engaging production."

"Absolutely loved it." "Raising awareness of such important inhumane issues. Brilliant!"

“What a moving performance! Such an eye opener! A tragic story.” (Sue, Whitstable)

“An emotive and very current issue  - wonderfully and movingly presented by a very talented group of artistes - I feel priviledged to have seen it." (Sharon, Whitstable)

“Having attended Sam’s writing workshop I was then determined to come to the play and I’ve certainly not been disappointed. Great performances – horrific stories – and very moving.” (Angela Johnson, Swale)

‘Very thought provoking, thank you.’ Mags

“Exceptional” Claire

“Extremely moving, educational, effective ways to help us understand this hidden crime.” Sarah

“Wakes you up...”

“Sadly an awful reality for us all. Wonderfully portrayed and really moving/” Sarah B

“Truly stunning and moving performance. Heart wrenching stories so cleverly performed.” Emily and Frank

“A performative way of re-echoing topical issues now! Thought provoking what seems to be the norm – for many would be opportunist.”

“Fabulously informative and deeply moving on all fronts. Keep up the pressure and awareness!” Cath Burton

“Thanks you for this play and portraying the characters so well.” Andi Elliot, Medialle Trust

“Amazing performances, full of (?) /reality which is not common knowledge. Thank you!”

“Thanks for the wonderful performance and play. It touched important aspects and unfortunately common cases that we choose to ignore every day. It wakes you up. Thanks.”

“Beautiful, intense and moving. Bravo and thank you!” Alyssa

“Really powerful and moving. I hope you can continue to perform this much more for many more audiences.”

“Very powerful and moving stories – extremely important work. Well done.” Nancy Hirst, Icon Theatre

“Spellbinding, moving and shocking, very well portrayed.” Genevieve and Caroline

“A fantastic and worthy subject which is brushed aside by current administration and should receive attention.” Stephen Roberts.

“Informative and emotional! As a sufferer of PTSD I must say how well this was represented (a rarity!) I recognised myself in Colin” Joanne Murray, Women with PTSD

“Fast paced acting, choreographed to a point. Relevant informative portrayal. All good wishes.” Neil

“Astonishing. You have opened my eyes.” SM Jenkin

“Incredibly powerful. A very difficult subject excellently portrayed – handled with sensitivity and dynamic performances. Thank you.” Rachel Davis

“Very dynamic and moving”

“Thank you, very well informed about the subject. Well entertained.”

“Most powerful and emotive play I have ever seen. Remarkable in changes in role, given small cast and using physicality to project each scene. Something that would be beneficial to take into schools. Thank you for raising this issue into community awareness. Congratulations on your success in this campaign.” Angelene Logan-Overy

“Fab play, well done – all we need now are tougher sentences.” Sam Rapp

“Enjoyed the stories interwoven with wonderful physicality. Will be on the lookout for signs of human trafficking now. Thank you!”

“Really important to see this play in Chatham knowing that Medway has a real problem with trafficking. Both in terms of raising the issue and of creating a powerful piece of physical theatre, this play should have a life beyond this tour. The Q+A with the Medaille Trust and creative team was also motivating. (As a human and as a writer.) Sarah Hehir

“Very impressive. Congratulations!”

“Very informative and moving. Well done.”

“Extremely insightful. Will implore people to watch.”

“A well-delivered and executed, thought provoking piece.” Christine Phipps

“Fantastic performance, it’s a topic and an issue that is a reality of a lot of people. This kind of performance is a great way to make aware others of this reality. Thank you.”

“Very powerful piece, well staged and very good at conveying the message.”

“This has made me work 10 x more hard in my job. Really hit home. Thank you.” Marian

“Very impressive, please film the performance to inform others.”


“Well impressed by the actors performances. Very talented. And so well researched.” Anti-slavery international

“A moving and well-performed experience.”

“Made me think. Especially the ex-army guy – it happens to people from UK too! Thank you for opening my eyes.”

“Very insightful and would be a wonderful resource in educating young people about this subject.”

“Really enjoyed this, broke down some of the ignorance that I had about this subject, even related to one of the characters in particular. Loved it.”

“So powerful – everyone needs to see it. Congratulations on such believable characterisation.” Alison

“An excellent and well produced production.” Elena

“Thought provoking and excellently acted“

“Incredibly moving and enlightening. I hope this piece can continue, we need more work like this in our theatres.”

“This play and this performance should be available to all teenaged adults throughout the UK. It is very powerful and informative.”

“Amazing and so powerful, amazing actors, directing and storytelling. So scary to think this goes on under our noses. Makes me want to help.”

“Thank you for shining a light on these stories. It is so important they are heard! I really hope you are able to get out there again to open people’s eyes.

“Tonight is the second time I’ve seen the play and I was so moved and totally absorbed again. The character’s stories were so hard-hitting and shocking. They really opened my eyes to how terrible this situation is and how we all need to do our bit to try and make a change. Excellently written, superbly directed and wonderfully performed with true commitment. I urge people to see the play and support the charities in any way they can.”

“The play was so moving and has made me think about what i thought had been abolished is so alive today. It should be shown more and especially to teenagers.”



“Wonderful acting, totally convincing – thank you so much. Will continue to look out for the signs, try to help.” Ellie

“A hard hitting and powerful play. Really talented actors. I want everyone I know to see it.”

“Fantastic performances. Incredibly informative and moving. Thank you” Abi  

(c) Rah Rah Community Theatre Company, 2015-2017

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